Tuesday 7 May 2013

Zingy Relief...

It's now 2 in the afternoon, and my senna tea has finally started to work. I haven't stayed as hydrated as I'd hoped, but I have managed to drink 3 lemonades and 3 glasses of water so far. I'm sipping the water and that seems to have helped me. For the past hour or so I've been feeling especially queasy and uncomfortable, though I really do think a fraction of that physical stuff can be explained by psychosomatic imaginings. My bowel movement took quite a long time and was almost completely liquid. And man did it smell like lemons. I mean really, if anybody goes in there after me they're going to think someone's been juicing in there. It's not exactly an unpleasant odour to leave in a toilet but I thought I'd strike a match anyway, since there are about 18 students using our facilities and you have to be considerate. Relieved as I am about finally getting some movement back there, I keep hitting this feeling of almost-constipation. That is, when I'm finished with the easy part of the stool (and when you do 'go' on the Master Cleanse diet, it can be really easy...) I can feel something there waiting to get out. Whether it's a large dose of the possibly mythical mucoid plaque or some other kind of ancient colonic obstruction, I never leave the bathroom feeling like I'm finished. Maybe it's me misinterpreting the feeling. Could this 'blockage' actually be what it feels like when there's nothing to push out at all? Ah well, whatever the case is, I'm fairly confident I'll find out in the next four days or so. Sorry to be indelicate on the matter, but the fact is, bowel movements are a major part of the Master Cleanse. I'll post again later if there's anything else to report, but if not, I expect I'll be back on tomorrow. I can't believe it's already day 6!!!...

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