Monday 6 May 2013

Day 5- Today, I'm half way there!

Day 5 of the Master Cleanse and I'm fairly confident it's working. My tongue's still been fuzzy today, but I'm starting to get used to it. It's amazing; the whole thing is coated right up to the edges in thick, green-white gunk. It's a little gross, especially when I'm not allowed a mint to freshen my breath, but it's also weirdly amazing. My stools are almost completely liquid with a few solids in there, they smell faintly lemon-y (but unpleasant), and they're fairly frequent. I took a laxative last night, and skipped it this morning, but continued visiting the bathroom intermittently from 4 this morning to the afternoon. Physically I appear a little bonier. I'm pretty fit and healthy anyway, and can always see a bit of rib, but they have been more prominent since I started the cleanse. I feel much lighter and airier, presumably because I'm both losing toxins and giving my innards a rest. I read somewhere that a fasting cleanse like this one allows your body to revisit old injuries and fix them anew; it's as though, once you remove the tasks of digesting complex foods from the equation, they have more time to devote to making you better. In the final stages of the cleanse, old injuries may start hurting again, but this is a very good thing. There is increased white blood cell activity and your antibodies will seek out damaged tissue to remove and replace it. That's a very basic, analogous version, but it all sounds pretty cool, huh? Personally, I've never broken any bones, but I did have weakened joints as a child and my elbows were constantly being dislocated. Maybe the damage I don't know about will get fixed at the end of the cleanse? Who knows? I'll let you know if I feel any aches and pains, anyhow. I'm a little less bored with the lemonade today... well, I've found a different way of dealing with it. Whenever I get a craving for something else- it's usually something specific, and unhealthy- I rationalise my thinking:
Why do I want a roll of Refreshers? Is it because I'm genuinely hungry? Would a pack of Refreshers realistically sate that hunger? If I make myself think on it for long enough, I realise that I'm not hungry at all. Then I have a little bit of lemonade, because if I'm craving Refreshers, my body might be in need of a little more sugar. It's a pretty cool mini achievement really. And when you think about it, it might not be that mini at all. After all, if I can do this when I've finished the cleanse I might stand a chance of keeping those toxins out of my body. What's the point of doing a cleanse if you're not going to stick with the lessons you learn? That said, now I'm at the halfway mark, I cannot wait until the end. It's a feeling of boredom with my food that's causing that little attitude problem. I didn't know how much of my day was spent dealing with eating: going to the supermarket, choosing my meals, picking ingredients, cooking them up, and finally, eating them. Dealing with nothing but juicers and kettles for the past five days makes me miss the smells of the kitchen. Ah well, if its willpower you're after, I'd nonetheless recommend cleansing for a long term solution. If you can stick to 10 days, you can stick to anything... well, you stand a better chance of it at least. And, fingers crossed, once I'm halfway in, the other five days will be a doddle. Touch wood, huh? I really don't want to jinx it!

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