Friday 10 May 2013

Top 10 Tips for First Time Cleansers

Now, I can hardly call myself an expert on the Master Cleanse; this is only my first time round. But I thought I might compile a list of 10 handy lessons I learnt the hard way over the past 10 days.

  1. Look After Your Teeth: even if you don't feel sensitivity when you're on the Master Cleanse, it's best to make sure all that acid isn't doing too much damage. To limit the effects of the syrup and lemon in your mouth, drink your lemonade through a straw, and invest in some sensitive, repairing toothpaste. Some people like to brush their teeth after every drink; whatever you decide, it is vital you don't brush your teeth until at least 20 minutes after a glass of lemonade. Brush any sooner, and the softened enamel will most likely be pulled away for good.
  2. Drink Plenty of Water: this is pretty good advice on any day, but you mustn't confuse the Master Cleanse's water requirements with the general 8 glasses rule. Even though your liquid diet is giving you plenty of water, you need to make up for the hidden water content that you're missing from food. Half your body weight in water every day is a good place to start.
  3. Sip Constantly: this is just an extension of the 'Drink Plenty of Water Rule', but you should remember that it's better to maintain a steady water intake than to down glasses in one go. The former will keep you properly hydrated, whereas the latter might cause you some digestive problems. 
  4. Don't Drink Too Much (Or Too Little) Lemonade: the recommended daily dose of lemonade is between 6 and 12 glasses. Whilst it is true that the less lemonade you drink, the more weight you lose, you must pay attention to your needs. Do not drink under 6 glasses a day. Even if you don't feel 'hungry' for them, you must consume at least the minimum amount. Set yourself alarms throughout the day if you think you might forget to have the mixture.
  5. Laxatives Are Your Friend: they might be a little yucky, but you need to have a laxative every morning and evening. The evening laxative should be taken as a tea, with another tea in the morning or the Salt Water Flush, depending on your preference. Whatever you do, don't skip them. There's no point dislodging the things stuck in your colon if they don't make it out!
  6. Do Your Research: there's a wealth of information about the Master Cleanse on the internet- some of it critical, some of it positive. Read through as much as you can and take a note of useful facts. Going into fasting unprepared can lead to disaster, especially if you're not aware of all of the consequences of a detox. Speaking of which...
  7. Know Your Detox Symptoms: a lot of people have done the Master Cleanse, and every single one of them has had their own unique experience. You might not receive all of the following, but be on the lookout for any of these symptoms. They're not a reason for giving up; they're a sign of the bad things coming out. : increased earwax, itchy skin or rashes, spots and pimples, dizziness, headaches, faintness, 'furry' white tongue, bad breath, sensitive teeth, rapid weight loss (mostly sustainable with a good diet), aching muscles, sleeplessness, increased energy (especially in the mornings), sweating, liquid waste.
  8. Make a Tick Chart: make a chart for ticking off each day of cleansing, and carry round a daily one to record how much water and lemonade you drink. It will help you keep track of things and look after yourself, as well as encourage you to continue. 
  9. Prepare for After Cleansing: the lifestyle you choose to lead after you've finished the cleanse can greatly effect your over all results. Even if you don't expect to go completely cold-turkey on your little vices (caffeine, chocolate, alcohol etc...) you cannot go straight back to your usual eating after day 10. Take a look online at what to do to ease yourself out. I'll be adding more information about my own ease-out, with healthy recipes and a day-by-day plan. Most importantly, expect to spend half the amount of time you spent cleansing in the post-cleanse stages. If you cleanse for 10 days, the first 5 days after will be your ease-out period. 
  10. Write Your Own Blog: writing about my experience on the Master Cleanse is perhaps the main thing that's kept me going. Having a place to vent your frustrations and share your successes is great, and there are few things more public (or more anonymous...) than the internet. Make a cleanse blog as you're easing in, and update it at least once a day with as honest a diary entry as you can manage. If you cheat, write about it! Reviewing each day will help your learning process and make your cleanse more successful.
Good Luck with the Master Cleanse!! Try to keep the advice you hear online close to hand, and add your own wisdom once you've started cleansing. You never know who you might help!

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