Sunday 5 May 2013

Promises, Promises...

I wrote a little while back that I'd been looking through my old recipes and planning what I'll be able to eat when I'm safely off cleansing and onto a new, better diet. Those are still coming, once my cleanse-diary's complete. For now, I have them blu-tacked up on the wall in front of me on little hand-written post-its. At the top of the wall made of recipes, I've stuck up a little promise to myself. A few weeks back, I was talking to my mum about the things we can have when I come home. I really miss a proper kitchen and people to cook for. Here, it's mostly cooking for one with the stove or the microwave, and giving the oven a wide berth, since it's never been cleaned. Ah, the pleasures of student accommodation. One thing I especially long for, when I'm hungry for the smell of real cooking, is baking cakes. Well, when I'm heading for home in around a month's time, I will make a delicious gift to take with me. You know those caterpillar cakes you get at kids' parties? Well, since I'm on the Master Cleanse Diet, I'm missing my baking and my favourite chocolates are Smarties, I've decided to whip up my own rendition with as many sweets as possible. Well, when I said I'd be eating better when I came of the cleanse, I was expecting to give in to a few temptations. Make no mistakes; my healthy eating plan remains entirely intact, buts it's a picture of this that I've got on by note-wall, and weird though it is, it's smiling at the picture that's getting me through the cleanse.
I'm thinking Thornton's Alpini for the feet. Good God that sounds fantastic!

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