Monday 13 May 2013

Feeling Better

Hello again! I'm feeling a little happier today, as promised, since I have enough energy to function! This morning I got up at 5 and cooked my home-made soup, and ate my fruit-based breakfast. Although the ideal breakfast would contain fruit and a little protein to keep me full, I'm still on the ease-out, so a couple of portions of strawberries, grapes and blackberries had to do it. This doesn't fill you up very much, but since I'm straight off a liquid diet, I'm guessing this is easier than it would have been 10 days ago. Even so, I wasn't sustained, so to fight the mid-morning slump, I had a little salad with vinegar. Vinegar kick-starts the metabolism, which is crucial when your digestive system's learning the ropes again, and it also makes the greens taste nicer. I had soup for lunch and dinner, with plenty of water in between. It's been tough, and I have to confess, I had to have a sachet of Options instant hot chocolate with water to get me through the afternoon. Well, I didn't have to, I suppose, but I felt it was a lesser evil, when I still have an unopened box of Thorntons on my bed. All in all, although my brain seems to be finding it a little hard to adjust, I think I'm fairing pretty well with my new, healthier regime. Of course, my fear of real illness if I eat too soon after the Master Cleanse doesn't hurt. This morning, as soon as I woke up, I had a large bowel movement which was a lot more solid than anything I've had in the past ten days. It actually felt like I was going to the bathroom, not peeing out of the wrong orifice like most of my liquid diet expulsions. Anyway, sorry to be gross, but I had to mention how things were going in that area. Much as I am determined to love my new diet, it seems that someone on my floor isn't too pleased with me. We have three fridges between 18 of us, two large ones and one small, domestic sized one. The latter is right outside my bedroom door. Now, since I hardly ever cook at uni (or used to...) I haven't laid a claim to either fridge, but apparently, I'm supposed to. I put my freshly made soup in a lunchbox in the little fridge at 6 this morning, and by 12, there was a note on the door saying "THIS FRIDGE IS NOT JUST A COMMUNAL FRIDGE. FOR SOME OF US THIS IS THE ONLY FRIDGE SPACE WE HAVE." But the thing is, a) there are almost 2 shelves empty in said fridge, b) the other 2 fridges are full and close to other people's rooms, and c) I don't have a place in either fridge. I'm trying to find a way to point this out in as un-twattish a way as possible in a reply note, since the message was anonymous. Perhaps something like "This is a communal fridge. I never used to eat, now I do. Surely there's enough room for my lunchbox and some yogurt. x Rachel xx". Aaah, the pleasures of corridor living. If anybody has any idea for how to word my note, by the way, feel free to make suggestions. I genuinely had no idea, until today, that I'd missed the boat when it came to fridge space allocation. But, you know, now I guess I don't have a right to fresh food??? Hmmm, this post might be livelier than yesterday's, but I'm not sure I've kept the promise with "happier"...moanier, maybe... aah, well, tomorrow I might be onto raw vegetables. I don't think the salad was completely kosher for today, technically speaking, but since I can manage raw fruit, I think soft raw vegetables must be OK. Touch wood my readjustment to digestion seems to be going pretty well. I did wonder whether my illness yesterday was to do with a shift onto different food; maybe it was a bit of a shock to the system? That would make sense, since I still feel the edges of that illness today, but I'm taking things pretty slowly, so hopefully I'm managing ease-out pretty well. I read a couple of critical reports by people who had used the cleanse purely for weight loss, where they moaned that it didn't work... then they went on to say that they hit the cookies at 12:01 am on the first day of ease-out!! I was doing the Master Cleanse for a more spiritual and psychological experience, but even so, I don't see any sense in abandoning caution so quickly after 10 days of success. I don't doubt that next week, I'll be eating chocolate dessert with some of my meals, but as I said, I don't want to get ill from indulging too soon. Right, see you tomorrow morning, where I'll be adding another menu plan and (rebel rebel...) perhaps even nibbling some raw carrot. And they say punk is dead... in that frame of mind, I'm off to get a sharpie and compose a return fridge-note. Bye!!!!

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