Saturday 11 May 2013

Ease-Out Day 1

Well, I wrote this morning that I hoped my little walk to the shops would unlock a wealth of energy... let's just say, now I'm back, that it's going up there as one of the nastiest 4 mile walking trips I've had to take. There's something about Dr. Marten boots that makes me walk with power. It's funny how a shoe can really change your attitude for the day... anyway, I powered up the occasionally hilly road to Sainsbury's this morning in my boots as I normally do, ignoring the fact that my heart was feeling a little stressed. By the time I got there, my pulse was really racing; I had a glass of orange juice before I left, but since this is an orange juice day, I suppose the calorie deficit was even higher than on a cleanse day. I felt the same physical impairment on the way home, which was harder because I had things to carry; all in all, I was feeling flu-y, achy and exhausted before I'd even reached 9 am! What's more, when I reached home, I had some light blood spotting in my pants. Not very much, but enough to signal a little discomfort, since I finished my period a couple of days ago. On that subject, a warning to girls on the Master Cleanse: the cleanse can trigger brown blood spotting, like you get at the end of a period, or, like it did in my case, can bring your period early. Also, if you take birth control tablets, you might still get your period, since most pills are flushed out of your system before they can work on the cleanse. Anyway, back to this morning. Walking got my bowels working and I had a reasonable dark movement, with some discomfort and an almost-constipation feel which resolved itself about 10 minutes later. The laxative tea's still working from last night, and I plan on taking them in the evenings for the next couple of days, just to help my body get used to solids. I felt pretty rubbish for most of the day, and to be honest I still feel a little daunted and empty like I did when I first woke up. To counteract this, thinking it might be withdrawal from the strict regimen of the Master Cleanse, I've made myself a tick-box menu for the next 5 days, to help me through ease-out. Even though I feel a little better now, I have a lot of psychological cravings for bad foods. This is bizarre, as for the last 10 days I've had less and less. As I say, I think it's to do with the relative freedom of finishing my detox. I just have to remind myself that the things I do for the next few days are very important to my over-all success. I'm sorry to post as such a misery guts; I'm hoping that the taste of food tomorrow will put a smile on my face again. In fact, I'm setting my alarm nice and early so I can make my own soup and have the kitchen to myself. See you tomorrow for some post-cleanse recipes and a cheerier post (I promise!!!). I've finally reached the end of my hardest day. Unlike many people, who hate day 3, I hate day 11! Aaaah!!! Bye! Good night everybody!

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