Saturday 11 May 2013

Money Matters

Way back on Day 1, I said I'd be keeping track of how much the Master Cleanse is costing me. I'm a frugal little thing and I want to have a bit of money saved for the summer in case I can't find summer work. Seriously, my town is dead. Well, here's the update so far. I have to say I've been pleasantly surprised by the cost of the whole process, especially in comparison to some cleansing programmes out there. Most notably I'm using less maple syrup than I expected. From the sounds of other people's diaries, I thought I'd be using just under a bottle a day, but in my own experience, maybe because I'm sticking to a six-glass programme, I'm only using a little over half. This has helped keep the cost down considerably; thank God I didn't bulk-buy, because I don't think I'll be using this syrup in my day-to-day life after the cleanse. Sorry, my friend. You're just too delicious.

Anyway, prices.  Here goes:
  • 13 large oranges- £3.33 ...
  • 40 lemons - £9.16
  • 6 bottles of maple syrup- £11.88
  • 15 bags Organic Smooth Move tea- £5.99
  • SAXA coarse sea salt- £0.60
  • Cayenne Pepper- £0.80
That's it. £31.76 for over 10 days of cleansing. I have to say I'm really pleased with spending just over £3.00 a day on my food. I don't think I'm expecting to maintain these prices after the cleanse, but I will be cutting costs by dodging supermarket offers on chocolate and the like. I'm so used to adding 'bargain' multipacks to my weekly shop, it'll be a nice change to redirect funds towards unusual vegetables. I might even cycle to the market on Thursdays to pick up some food. Wow. The Master Cleanse has a lot to answer for. I feel like a happier, healthier and readier person than I was ten days ago. And as a happy and considerate person, I apologise for the boring, meticulous blog post.

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