Friday 3 May 2013

Sensitive Teeth

I mentioned my the pain in my teeth in my last post, but seem to have gone off on one before I mentioned my real solution. No doubt the straws I bought will help to lessen the damage of the lemonade mixture, and the toothpaste will help to recoup the enamel, but the main thing that's helped me- in the absence of pain killers- is a method called Oil Pulling. Obviously, no tablets are going to do there job while I'm on the Master Cleanse Diet. I guess they get flushed out before they can even get started. Oil Pulling feels a little uncomfortable at first, but if you're able to manage a Salt Water Flush, a mouth full of oil should be like a walk in the park. Just take some oil from your kitchen- olive oil, vegetable oil, I use Carotino- measure out a tablespoon, and swish it around your mouth for roughly twenty minutes. It's better to do this on an empty stomach in the morning, so if you're looking to prevent tooth sensitivity for the rest of the day, it might be an idea to do this before the Salt Water Flush. Best of all, you spit the oil out when you're finished, meaning it shouldn't interfere with your cleansing. Maybe the sensation of moving your mouth might even trick your brain into thinking you've eaten something? Who knows? Just rinse your mouth, pulling the oil through your teeth and using your tongue to help swill it about. The oil should take a whiter colour as it begins to pull the toxins from your mouth. I've yet to see the full effects but it might be that this process aids with the change of tongue colour supposed to be an indication of a completed cleanse. The tongue will go white and fuzzy when you're cleansing and should return to a pink colour when you're body knows it's done. My tongue always seems to be a little yellowish, for as-yet unidentified reasons, and I'm hoping the cleanse might help me overcome the affliction. When your twenty minutes of oil pulling are up, spit the oil out and rinse your mouth with water. If you feel a compulsion to swallow the oil, spit it out and start again. It's certainly helped me with the pain of sensitive teeth, and, who knows, might even help me fix my longstanding tongue problems. Exciting stuff, huh? I'll keep you posted... And because I'm never sure if written sarcasm comes off as sarcastic, I'd like to say that's what that comment most definitely was. Write to you later! Bye!!!!

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