Friday 3 May 2013

Salt Water Failure!!!!

You know, I was definitely right to be most worried about the Salt Water Flush. As I said, I found the prospect more daunting than 10 days without food; after all, how long does an accidental taste of seawater stay in your mouth? Eurgh!!! Well, as the title suggests, I am here to admit that I really couldn't finish te Salt Water Flush. For those of you who don't know what the flush entails, it's a 'simple' case of mixing 2 tablespoons of non-iodized sea salt with 1 litre of warm water. I lined up the solution in three large glasses, stirred in a little lemon to aid the consumption, and brushed my teeth so I had a nice minty canvas to start with. The lemon didn't help. A straw, apparently meant to skip the solution over the salty part of your taste buds  made it taste different, but still weird  I'm guessing wanting to spit out salt water is part of human nature. The solution can't be digested in the stomach (that's why the flush works as well as it does), and can be taken as an aid to vomiting. Mmmm... I made it through roughly 1 large glass and could go no further. I'm sorry Master Cleanse. I really wanted to follow every last part to the letter. Luckily, the delicious Salt Water Flush is one of the few parts of the cleanse marked as 'optional' in the original booklet. I have decided instead to drink a laxative tea every other morning, as well as every night. The tea seems to work very well, and I can actually finish a cup without wanting to vomit. As for the salt water I did consume this morning, it has yet to take any effect. I'm not expecting much, since I only drank a third of what I was supposed to, but if it does have any effect on my bowel movements, I'll let you know. It sounds kind of creepy, but if you're anything like me, you'll want to know as much about the Master Cleanse process as you can before you get started! Write to you later. I'm off to scrub my tongue with a whole tube of toothpaste!!

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