Monday 6 May 2013

An Itchy Nose... apparently, that's a GOOD thing...

It's coming up to 6 in the evening over here and I'm settling down to a laxative tea. And boy, is my nose itchy. It's not the inside of the nose, but rather the creases where the nostrils meet the rest of your face. The areas look mildly dry and irritated but if you didn't know about the problem, I don't think you'd notice it. (Hopefully, it'll stay that way!) I haven't changed my skincare regime or used some new makeup. I did a Montagne Jeunesse thermal face mask this morning but I don't think it was that. Best of all, for the first time ever, I know it's not something new that I've eaten; a diet consisting of five or so ingredients will do that for a girl.

This made things very simple, and I was only mildly surprised when I googled 'Master Cleanse itching' and it came up as a suggestion. People get itches all over on this programme, but I must admit, I hadn't read anything about it until I searched for it today. Strange, since I must have read 10 or so cleanse diaries and a heap of cleanse literature before making a dash for the shop to stock up on lemons. It quickly emerged that some of these people have had it really bad; all-over rashes and itches that drive them to the point of quitting. So far- and touch wood, for the rest of the cleanse- my only itches are the ones either side of my nose. They're constantly present and mildly irritating (although writing about them can't help me forget them) and I'm hoping they're a sign of something good. Itching is apparently a common side effect of diets like the Master Cleanse. In their most extreme form, like the whole-body rashes, these itches can indicate the cleansing of a toxic liver. That's right. The same toxins that are coming out in my stools and in the gunky fuzz on my tongue are also coming out of my skin. It's the kind of information that makes your skin crawl and sends you into into a psychosomatic itching frenzy!! The good news? Well, if the toxins are coming out, they're not in my body any more. It seems a little suffering during the cleanse can actually lead to an overall better complexion once it's completed. I have no idea why its the edges of my nostrils that are being affected. I did look up a Chinese medicine facial map, but to no avail. Hmmmm... write to you later for an update on the itchy skin situation. Hopefully it won't worsen; I just have to remind myself that, although the price of detox might be icky, the rewards will be very great indeed.

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