Thursday 9 May 2013

Shopping Spree!!!

Happy Day 8 everybody!! I feel a little worse for wear today, probably due to cleansing, so I decided to cheer myself up with a little trip into Birmingham. After a few initial hiccups- there was a fire evacuation at the station and we got stuck on the train- I was in the midst of lots of shops and cafés... and feeling very tired. I had a sneaking suspicion when I went out to Kenilworth, but today has confirmed it; there's a whole other side to my love of chocolates and treats. I don't just like eating them, I like the act of buying them. Even today, as I bought some snacks to take home for my little brother, I didn't mind that I couldn't eat any myself. It's very strange. I don't think it's a shopping addiction or anything, but it is rather comforting for me to be shopping freely again. I had a £5 off voucher for Thorntons that needed using up, so there is now a lovely, large, beautifully presented box of their Milk, White and Dark Continental Collection sitting on my bed. Don't worry, I'm not going to open them! And when I do, I'm fairly confident I'll be able to savour them, one at a time, and make them last for ages.
Actually, it's a challenge I'm rather looking forward to.  Restraint has never been my strong point where those gold-wrapped Diplomats are concerned, but since I haven't tasted them yet (and I've been back several hours) I think they're probably safe. Besides, I'm expecting a graze box to arrive in the post pretty soon, so I should have plenty of snacks to keep me happy (when I can safely ingest solid food!!!).

As for the aforementioned faintness I have today? Well, that hasn't subsided. I have a teeny weeny headache coming on, so my brain feels a bit cloudy, and even though my limbs are less ache-y than yesterday, there were moments today when my heavy shopping bags nearly had me on the floor. I also feel a bit tired, but there may be a good reason for that. I had to get up early this morning to take my bins out, and when my alarm went at 4, I was fully awake! It's absolutely bizarre, but I just started going about my morning routine as though it was later; it's a good thing I noticed the time before I started drying my hair, or else I would have made a lot of enemies on my floor!!! Other people have written about this boundless Master Cleanse energy they get in the mornings, but I don't think I'd got the full weight of it until today. Even though I'm quite a reasonable morning person, I don't think I could normally get up without issue at 4 am! My relationship with the Master Cleanse is a bit weird at the moment. I can't wait to move on to real food, but equally I'm very grateful for the help its giving me. There are only two days left before I am allowed to taste something else!! Right now I'm off to research my post-cleanse meal plans. Aching and drowsy though I am, I have to say, I'm pretty excited!!!...

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