Sunday 12 May 2013

The Importance of Probiotics

During the Master Cleanse you can expect to flush a lot of stuff out of your digestive system. Most of it is stuff that you don't want to be there: age-old food waste, toxins, mucous... But there are some things you'll lose that you can't afford to miss. Laxative teas and salt water won't discriminate when it comes to flushing out good bacteria. It's very important that you begin to replenish the 'friendly' cultures in your gut as soon as you come off the cleanse; whilst probiotic yogurts and dairy drinks can be tasty, it's better that you do this in tablet form, especially as dairy is one of the main food groups you need to focus on slowly easing back into. I've been to my local health food store and picked up some Seven Seas' Multibionita Vitality. It was the cheapest probiotic there (£6.49) and has 28 tablets, with a dosage of one-a-day. So, I'll be on a course of probiotics for a month, and then I'll stop taking them.
These tablets seem like a pretty good choice for post-cleansers on more than just the probiotic front. They also contain 'complete multivtamins', so they should help to fend off the beginnings of any deficiencies that the Master Cleanse might have prompted, especially if you've cleansed for longer that 10 days. Each daily tablet contains 10 million cultures to replace the ones you've flushed away, and they're specially coated so you know they'll make it to the right part of your system without being dissolved. They're available on Amazon if you don't have a health food store nearby, as are many other, similar products. Although some people opt to skip this stage of post-cleansing, I'd recommend sticking it out for around a month at least. Refilling your body with the right kind of bacteria is very important, and will be the finishing touch to your new, cleaner digestive system! 

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