Thursday 2 May 2013

The Master Cleanse - Day 1

Well that's day one over and I have to say- it isn't as difficult as I expected. I know, I know, it's only my second day on a liquid diet, but the foods I'm avoiding have become an integral part of my daily life. It's bizarre how I feel the need to eat the amount of rubbish I do, and how easy it was to show that to myself. Wow. That said, I have to be on the watch regarding maple syrup. This is the first time I've ever had it, and I have to say, I'm kind of starting to see what all the fuss is about. I'm allowing myself to lick the spoon after I've made lemonade, but every time I want the lemonade just for the taste of the syrup (I have a really sweet tooth), I make myself have water instead. Speaking of teeth, my teeth started hurting this morning after my first couple of glasses. I looked it up and found that it's probably the lemons (and yesterday's oranges) to blame. Hardly surprising really. I took a walk to the supermarket to pick up some straws and sensitive toothpaste, just in case, and was surprised to find that the walk didn't tire me. It's a sunny day here and I thought my calorie intake might wear me out on the 4 mile walk. But no- hey! I don't need so much after all. I don't know if I'm up to working out yet, I'll see how it goes this evening. I'm a devotee of Shaun T's Insanity programme and I don't want to flake out halfway through the session. Especially since I'm currently at uni; if I pass out in my room I don't think anyone's going to notice. I decided to try 6 glasses of lemonade a day. It's the lowest you can go and I think for me it's about right. I've supplemented that with 6 or 7 glasses of water and a cup of peppermint tea. The recipe I'm following per glass is 2 tbsp fresh lemon juice, 2 tbsp maple syrup, at least 1/10 tsp cayenne pepper, and warmish water to top up the glass. I'm also, of course, taking my laxative senna tea, which tastes pretty good and comes in individual packets. I love it when tea bags are individually wrapped. Ahhh... the tea itself seemed to work pretty well. I went to the bathroom this morning for a normal movement. I guess they start getting more...interesting... once the liquid diet really takes effect. I'm in for my first Salt Water Flush tomorrow as well. I think I might be as nervous at that as I am about the whole not eating thing. Ah well, take each day as it comes. The main thing is I'm feeling better, brighter and happier today, and I have to say, the sense of accomplishment I've had at the end of these past few days far outweighs the effects of any toxin-laden comfort foods. See you in the morning. For the Salt Water Flush. ... bleurgh!!!!!!

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