Tuesday 7 May 2013


All of today's postings seem to have an unappetising theme of bowel movements... sorry about that, but this one is no exception! It's a little bit weird, but normally, it's easier to go to the toilet when you're crouching like a caveman. Think about it. Before we invented toilets, we wouldn't have gone in a sitting position. I know there are a couple of bathroom accessories designed to helped people go in the right way- steps to raise your feet on and so on. Or, if you haven't thought to purchase something special, you can put your head between your legs like your plane's going down to ease the passage. Well, weirdly enough, the Master Cleanse diet seems of late to have been turning those rule upside down. If I raise my feet, I find myself unable to go. If I sit upright, like a swot in a Victorian classroom, it comes a lot more naturally. It's a weird and inconsequential thing, but I'd like to know what's going on there; are the laxatives I'm using moving my stool further towards the exit? I guess if that were the case, it would eliminate the need to help it on its way with knees and such. Another poo-related thing I've noticed- well, a repeat of an earlier warning really- go easy on the cayenne pepper and try not to exceed the 1/10 of a teaspoon by too much. At least two of my lemonades today have been a little on the spicy side; one had me retching and clutching my throat when a whole clump of pepper came right up the straw. It may be beneficial to the inside of my system, but my bum feels a little painful again right now, and- get this- there were flakes of cayenne pepper in the bowl when I went to the bathroom today. Yeah, maybe I'll ease up on that. Well, I promise that tomorrow I'll talk a lot less about what I've been up to in the bathroom. It's one of those things that is really really interesting to you, as the person cleansing, but that you wouldn't share with anybody else. That's the weird thing about the internet. I don't think I could talk about all this so candidly face to face, but on here, well I don't mind sharing at all!! I don't have any followers at the moment anyway! See you in the morning for day 7, where I promise I'll move on to more savory subjects; perhaps the gunk on my tongue, or the frequency of my peeing? Haha!!! Byeee!!

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