Tuesday 14 May 2013

Just a Quick Hello

Hello again everybody! I hope you had a good day. I'm going to keep this as brief as I can, since I'm up against a deadline with some of my creative writing and I'm also very tired; I'm submitting an anthology of work from this year, which was supposed to be inspired by the poetry of 1950's America... and which ended up as a Victorian Gothic Romance poem. Oh well, I'm sure I can fashion a tenuous link or two for my explanatory essay. See, I start of saying I'll keep it short, and then go off on a tangent that has nothing to do with the Master Cleanse. Sorry! Today I found my food much easier to manage, perhaps because I kept myself a little busier. I had a fruit breakfast and didn't eat again until lunch, when I had carrot and coriander soup with a vinegar salad. I think I'm eating much more slowly on the Ease-Out than I did before the Ease-In. The result is, of course, that I feel more satisfied by my meals; the brain takes around 25 minutes to realise you've had enough food, which of course means that if you're eating fast, you're likely to eat too much. As it is, I waited for my soup to cool, enjoyed my greens by eating them s.l.o.w.l.y., and then patted myself on the back for being a good little cleanser. In the afternoon, I got a few cravings for something sweet, so I dipped into a fruit portion from my Graze box and also ate a banana. I had dinner (soup again!) at around 5, and tempered any cravings thereafter with plenty of water and a handful of grapes. I also had a small success today when I went to the bathroom for the first time during Ease-Out without having used a laxative. My bowel movement this morning was the result of last night's laxative tea (my final one), and was dense and rope like. But then (woohoo!) at 2 in the afternoon, I managed to go again of my own volition. I was a little worried about how my system would cope with the reintroduction of solids, but it seems that by keeping up my fibre intake and hydration I'm negotiating the pitfalls pretty successfully. Right now it's just gone midnight, which I suppose means I'm technically writing this on Ease-Out Day 4, and I can feel my insides brewing up a bowel movement once again. I just thought I'd share that in case anyone was wondering what it was like to go back to normal, unaided pooing. I certainly wondered before I started, but then maybe I'm just weird. Tomorrow I can look forward to more of the same type of diet; salads, broths and fresh fruit are all making an appearance on the menu. I'm seriously craving some garlic and cheese, so maybe I can find a way to facilitate that come lunchtime? I hadn't planned on introducing dairy until Ease-Out Day 5 was over, but since I seem to be managing the rest OK, I'm wondering whether to bend my own rule and do as some people do, returning to dairy as a food group as early as Day 4. We'll see. It seems a shame to give in now, when I've been doing so well. But then again, I have a pack of Boursin in the fridge, and it seems a shame to leave that unattended, too.

Right, I will see you in the morning with a menu and a recipe for Ease-Out Day 4, an update on the cheese and garlic situation, and no doubt some grossly indelicate account of my experience in the bathroom. Good night everybody! Sweet dreams!!

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