Thursday 9 May 2013

Penultimate Day!

Wow, it's day 9 and I'm almost there. I'm starting to really think in detail about my diet after the cleanse and the way I'm going to look after my body. This extends to more than just dietary issues. My Dad's a meditation enthusiast and this is what he would call a very 'mindful' process. I think it's especially true if you've taken time off to invest in the cleanse, but I find myself to be a lot more aware about how to look after myself. More specifically, I find that I'm able to devote more time to the things I normally can't be bothered to do. I've started body brushing every day after my shower, rather than just occasionally, and I have to say, my skin feels so much softer. Also, I'm taking better care of my face, hair and nails, getting up earlier and taking more time over yoga. I haven't worked out as much as normal on the Master Cleanse, but that's due to lack of calories; I'll be returning to Insanity as soon as day 10 is over. In terms of bowel movements, I passed some dark solids this morning, which definitely couldn't have been anything I've eaten recently, so I suppose that's a good sign. I don't feel physical hunger very often at all. My tongue is still white but I know that many people experience this right up until the end of day 10. Which will be this time tomorrow. Wow!

I woke up this morning and realised I only had one small lemon left and about a third of a bottle of maple syrup. So, I had a glass of water and headed off to Sainsbury's on an energy deficit, both because I wanted to know if I'd still be faint on long walks, and also because, well, I don't think half a lemon a day is going to cut it.  Today I feel jubilantly energetic. It took me a little while to get going, but all day I've felt great. So great, in fact, that I spent 5 hours tidying my room!! It's needed it for ages, but I never manage to get round to it. The downside to this is that I've broken my own rule and only managed to have 4 lemonades; I didn't want to go near food and drink with bleachy gloves and bleach on my hands. Although this hasn't made me feel any more tired, I know that drinking under the 6 glass limit is a bad idea. Tomorrow, for day 10, I'll be straight back to my regular 6 glasses. Now, as I sit down to my laxative tea, I'm not sure whether I'll get much of a bowel movement tomorrow; the Master Cleanse concoction is supposed to dislodge things from your colon throughout the day, but since I haven't had that much of it, I'll be interested to know whether there's anything for this tea to move on. I don't have much more to write today; I still need to try and get the smell of cleaning products out of my room. 'Citrus Fresh' is lovely on a normal day, but when you've been eating just lemons for over a week, it's a little bit annoying! See you tomorrow for - wait for it - DAY 10!!!!!

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