Sunday 5 May 2013

Day 4- I'm bored bored bored bored BORED of lemons!

You know what they say; only boring people get bored. Well maybe they should try a lemonade diet. Yesterday I was beginning to have to force myself to drink the minimum 6 cups of mixture. It's nothing to do with the taste, it's simply the fact that, after a time, my mouth wants to taste something other than laxative teas and detoxifying lemonade. This is a tricky situation to be in. It's neither hunger nor a craving. There's no specific taste or texture that I have in mind. I just want something else. I took an early morning trip to the supermarket to pick up another load of lemons and some cleaning stuff, and managed to come home with everything that I had on my list and, most importantly, nothing extra. Even so, when I walked past the confectionery stand, I really really wanted the chewy feeling of a Reese's NutRageous bar as a bit of a cheat. Man those things are good.

But, as I said, it wasn't a hunger craving, so the cleanse on the whole seems to be working.

I monitored my intake of lemonade better today, and made myself drink it when I wasn't hungry so I was full at regular intervals. I'm trying to stay super hydrated, since a liquid diet misses out all of the hidden water in normal food and laxatives really take it out of you. My laxative teas seem to be working faster, though my movements haven't been nearly as big as yesterday, and I had to get up at 2 this morning to go to the bathroom. I think I'm going to go now, and get down one last glass of water before I brew my tea. It takes a whole 20 minutes to steep, plus a little extra to cool down, so it gets a bit annoying if you're tired and want to go to sleep right NOW. I'll post again tomorrow, when I will hopefully be less bored of my 'food' and feeling a little happier. One benefit of this diet is that I feel kind of trapped into completing the course. Even if I do want food (that NutRageous craving has subsided now), I know I won't be able to eat anything I like straight away to break my fast. It's a real lesson in discipline that I'm hoping I'll remember in a week or so when I'm shopping for real food in the supermarket. I know it's not worth it, and even if I think it is, I'll get pretty sick if I start on the chocolate now.

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